Koninklijke Tichelaar Makkum - projects
Bart van Hoek architectuurfotografie and Koninklijke Tichelaar

Musis Sacrum, Arnhem

Year: 2015 -2017
Location: Arnhem
Architect: Van Dongen – Koschuch Architects and Planners
Contractor: Mertens
Project type: architecture
Product: façade elements, ceramic tubes, glazed in green
Koninklijke Tichelaar was approached by Van Dongen Koschuch Architects and Planners for the ceramic cladding for the expansion of the Musis Sacrum theater in Arnhem.

The design is inspired by the atmosphere and character of the Musis Sacrum institute, the possibilities and characteristics of the leafy Musispark and the identity of the Gelders Orkest and the MSSA itself. The extension will be designed as an inviting and all-round pavilion in the park that respects the existing municipal monument in a respectful way and is beautifully carved into the landscape. The concert hall has a large glass façade behind the stage that acts as a green backdrop during performances and can be opened to the Musispark for summer evening concerts in the open air. Existing and new are connected to each other by a common plinth, giving the Musis Sacrum a contemporary monumentality that goes with such a musical program.

For our company, this project is an interesting assignment, because we have developed special "tubes" for this. A project that has raised our ceramic knowledge to an even higher level.
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