Koninklijke Tichelaar Makkum - projects

Helperbad, Groningen

Location: Groningen
Architect: Holstein Architectural Restoration
Client: City Council groningen, Dienst OCSW
Project type: restoration

various tiles for wall and floor in various colors glaze, module size: 250x50 mm, molded parts around the windows in different sizes and models.

Although the Helper pool (1925) is not a protected monument, one finds that the pool still has qualities that are worth preserving. During the renovation, the original 1925 ceiling was restored to its original situation. New tiles have also been placed that fit the historic tiles in and around the bath.

The Helperbad in Groningen was built in 1925 and was designed by architect M.G Eelkema. In 2008, a major renovation of the swimming pool was started. The immediate cause was the heavily outdated installations and necessary concrete repair work. Holstein restoration architecture approached Koninklijke Tichelaar with the request to make an inventory for the addition of tile work in the floor, against the wall, but also in the bath itself. During the inventory, it appeared that in the past few years there had been several places with standard tiles. In close consultation with the architect and the municipality, it was decided to restore all tile work to its original state. Various glazes and models were redeveloped and produced for this extensive assignment. In 2010, the completely renewed swimming pool was reopened.

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