Koninklijke Tichelaar Makkum - projects

Coovi Elishout, Anderlecht

Year: 2009 -2010
Location: Anderlecht (B)
Architect: prof. Barbara Vanderwee
Client: Vlaamse Communitiecommissie
Contractor: NV Strabag Belgium AS
Project type: restoration
Product: back-up ceramic wall tiles, strips and moldings, module size: 250x50 mm, molded parts around the windows in different sizes and models. Glaze developed that matches the original material. Glaze developed on the original material applied to self-made moldings and to purchased material from Ströher Gmbh
As a result of the splitting of the bilingual COOVI-CERIA campus in a French-speaking and Dutch-speaking part, the Flemish Community Commission decided to completely renovate Building 5 and the Kromme Vleugel with maximum preservation of the original architectural identity.

Prof. dr. Barbara Vanderwee from Brussels approached us with the question whether it would be possible to make the new façade elements for the restoration of Coovi Elishout in Anderlecht, a school built in 1948. The existing upholstery was badly affected by frost. Ms Vanderwee was asked by the Flemish Community Commission for advice because of her expertise in the field of restoration and reallocation of valuable historical buildings. The order quickly grew to deliver a complete façade cladding: 50,000 strips, 12,000 tiles and 20,000 molded parts spread over more than 50 different models. With the production of large moldings by means of sludge casting, the company further expanded its expertise with this assignment. Not only did the glazed elements have to fit seamlessly with the original material, but also high quality clay mixtures were used to meet the quality requirements, particularly with regard to frost resistance.
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